General Guidance

The management of waste and landfills is a complex process involving numerous stakeholders across society and other enabling factors. The collection of materials and guidance tools provided so far is by no means exhaustive. Thus, here are some additional resources which were considered useful to complement the technical guidance.

The guidance presented here includes reports and presentations developed within the framework of the project as well as publicly available reports elaborated by external entities, which were considered practical to add.

Stakeholders and institutional functions in waste management – summary presentation

Communications strategy and implementation resources for waste source segregation campaigns

The guidance was developed for the source segregation pilot projects for green waste composting in Antigua and Saint Lucia and for waste oil filters in Barbados. The documents package includes the Communication strategy and implementation plan, the campaign brand guidelines as well as the campaign assets.

The communications strategy report includes key considerations which constitute guiding principles suitable to be applied in all communication initiatives.

Personal protective equipment for landfill operators

The presentation shows the types and functions of different personal protective equipment items which are necessary for waste management workers, in particular for landfill operators.

Additional resources on landfills

Guidelines for Design and Operation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Tropical Climates, ISWA, 2013

Landfill Operational Guidelines, 3rd edition, ISWA, 2019

Closing an Open Dumpsite and Shifting from Open Dumping to Controlled Dumping and to Sanitary Landfilling–Training Module, UNEP, 2005

Landfill Equipment Selection and Application Guide, Caterpillar, 2008

Additional resources on source separation

Guidelines for source separation of municipal solid waste, JICA, 2006

Guide to separation of waste at source, Western Cape Government, 2019

Factors influencing source separation intention and willingness to pay for improving waste management in Bangkok, Thailand, VassanadumrongdeeS. et al, Sustainable Environment Research 28, 2018

Contextual Factors Influencing Household Recycling Behaviours (case study of Mahasarakham Municipality in Thailand), SinghirunnusornW. et al, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 36, 2012

Source separation of MSW for biogas production, IEA Bioenergy, 2013

Funded by
Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Implemented by
The United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (UNIDO)

Executed by
The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology
Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean)